A deterministic Turing machine   \(\mathcal{M}=\left(Q,\Sigma,\Gamma,F,q_0,\square,\delta\right)\)

Parameters I

• The set of states:
\(Q=\{\) \(\}\)
(States are detected automatically.)
• The input alphabet:
\(\Sigma=\{\) \(\}\)
(Add valid input symbols.)
• The tape alphabet:
\(\Gamma=\{\) \(\}\cup\Sigma\)
(Symbols are detected automatically.)
• The set of final states:
\(F=\{\) \(\}\subseteq Q\)
(Define the states that will cause the machine to halt.)
• The initial state and the blank symbol:
\(q_0\equiv\)    \(\square\equiv\)
(Define an alias for the initial state and the blank symbol.)
Parameters II - The transition relation \(\delta\,\subseteq\,\left(Q\setminus F\times\Gamma\right)\times\left(Q\times\Gamma\times\{L,R,N\}\right)\)
• Examples:


• The input:
\(w_0=\) \(\in\Sigma^\ast\)
(Define the initial content of the tape.)
Slow Fast Max
Current state \(q\):
Steps used \(T\):
Space used \(N\):
#States \(|Q|\):
#Symbols \(|\Gamma|\):

 Version 0.1 | ©2025 Nicolai Lang